Supplier Development Webinar

The Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza - PNRR) is giving new impetus to investments in Italy, for the country's sustainable development.

Italian supply chain companies must be ready to accept the opportunities that the PNRR will offer. Webuild, since 2021, has been in fact promoting Supplier Development Webinars to make its knowledge and skills available, with a view to sustainable growth, also promoting greater competitiveness of the entire supply chain, in the Italian and international market.

Webinars are virtual events organized on a quarterly basis, representing moments of aggregation, mutual exchange and collaboration between Webuild and companies, on the sector's issues and trends. And first and foremost: on the expected investments for the Italian market.

Webinar 2

January 19, 2022
“Open-es: our supply chain’s sustainability platform”

1600x900 OpenEs Webinar EN

Webinar 1

July 20, 2022
“Innovation and Sustainability: The Future of the Construction Sector”

rivedi webinar